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Christ The King Lutheran Chapel is part of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. In the mid 1960s, the Michigan District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod established a full-time campus ministry at Central Michigan University (CMU). The Michigan District constructed a chapel/fellowship center in the heart of CMU’s campus. Christ The King Lutheran Chapel (CTK) was dedicated in 1966. 


Today, Zion Lutheran Church, Mount Pleasant, currently leases the chapel and oversees its operation and maintenance, although the Michigan District still provides partial support. Christ The King is considered to be a major part of Zion’s mission outreach efforts.  


Christ The King Lutheran Chapel is open most weekdays for church members and students to come in and work on homework, rest, pray, eat, visit with friends, and talk with the campus pastor. There are also weekly worship, Bible study opportunities, and events and activities.


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Pastor Larry Wright is serving both Christ the King and Zion as an interim senior pastor. After earning his Master of Divinity degree in 2007, he served at Our Savior Lutheran church in Midland, MI. In 2014, he returned to the Seminary as an Advancement Officer helping to build relationships and gain financial support for the Seminary and its students until his retirement in February 2024.

Pastor Jesse Greenhagen is the campus pastor for Christ the King and is a recent graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne. Before studying at the Seminary, he earned a Masters Degree in mechanical engineering and worked as an engineer in the medical device industry. He and his wife, Kristina, were married in August 2023 and had their first child in early July, 2024. Pastor Greenhagen was ordained and installed at our church on August 11, 2024.


Kathy has been a Zion member since February 2015, and has been secretary at Christ The King since July 2016.  She has two daughters and one son, and in March 2018, she became a first-time grandma. She enjoys working at Christ The King because of how kind everyone is and she enjoys talking with the students.

1401 S. Washington Rd.

Mount Pleasant, MI 48858

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